HomeMore Cigarettes
Cigarette company's shares are growing despite the anti-smoking law.
Analysts, however, believe that investors will be indifferent to the new anti-smoking laws as long as the price of tobacco products is steadily increasing.
Women don't want to quit smoking because of the weight gain myth.
Smoking can lead to complete indifference to food because the nicotine muffles taste buds.
Cigarettes made in America were recognized the most harmful to health.
According to studies, the content of nitrosamines (one of the strongest carcinogens) in foreign cigarettes are significantly lower than in American Marlboro, in some cases is lower more than 50%.
More Cigarettes - The Myth of a Color
Ever since their first appearance on the market (back in 1975), More cigarettes have been perceived as a sign of elegance and style. So what are the attributes of this cigarette that made it so popular? And, even more important, what contexts favored this brand and to what extent?
The original More cigarettes are completely brown and have a smooth aroma and taste. These factors lead to the following realities:
- Smokers saw a relation between the color of More cigarettes and the natural color of a tobacco leaf (like the one used for making cigars). This relation proved very attractive over the years.
- Smoking a cigarette colored differently than regular cigarettes is an experience in itself, whichever the cultural and social backgrounds may be.
- There's a subtle connection between the color of More cigarettes and its taste. Women seem more likely to notice this affinity and enjoy it.
Smoking white cigarettes with a white (or yellowish) filter has become obsolete lately. In other words, it's out of fashion. This may not seem extremely visible in the first place, but it soon becomes if you take the time to notice what do people in high society smoke.
Under these circumstances, More cigarettes are the perfect compromise between looks and pleasure: they make you look distinguished, whilst offering you a great taste and a special tar. This is precisely the place where the brown color of More cigarettes becomes important: it suggests a cigar, but it does it discreetly, without show off in any way.
The More cigarettes manufacturer (RJR, then JTI) have proven that sometimes an image is more powerful than other attributes. A simple color, cleverly chosen out of many other possible colors, has established a brand. Today, people who see thin brown cigarettes associate them with More, even if the person in cause may very well smoke a different brand.