HomeCigarettes News

Cigarette company's shares are growing despite the anti-smoking law.
Analysts, however, believe that investors will be indifferent to the new anti-smoking laws as long as the price of tobacco products is steadily increasing.
Women don't want to quit smoking because of the weight gain myth.
Smoking can lead to complete indifference to food because the nicotine muffles taste buds.
Cigarettes made in America were recognized the most harmful to health.
According to studies, the content of nitrosamines (one of the strongest carcinogens) in foreign cigarettes are significantly lower than in American Marlboro, in some cases is lower more than 50%.
Bloomberg's New Anti-smoking Campaign in New York
08/26/13A new anti-smoking campaign has been presented recently by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg - a rampant fighter against smoking society. His new legislation presupposes the total exclusion of tobacco products from public view in stores of New York city.
Such a special approach to decrease smoking rates is explained by an interesting notice made by Bloomberg and other representatives of various health organizations. It presupposes that people visiting stores are involuntarily attracted by brightly colored cigarette packs and therefore the desire to buy such a pack starts to prevail over mind.
The second reason why people are attracted to buy cigarettes according to Bloomberg's opinion is the regular discounts which are organized by tobacco companies to increase the number of buyers. If people do not see discount cigarettes in stores they would not be attracted by these discounts. Such a price-regulation approach would close the access to the so-called cheap cigarettes and in such a way would not give a chance to teen-agers and low-income people to buy tobacco products.
A spokesman of Altria, David Sutton, criticized Bloomberg's approach and emphasized that health organizations should concentrate on other problems connected with cigarettes, for example the illegal trade of cigarettes.